Individual Care. Exceptional Results.
Personal care plans created to provide effective, proven solutions.
Our mission is simple: We are committed to your wellness.
There is nothing greater than the healing intelligence embodied in every cell of your body. Our mission is to help you fully express it on every level of your being, to overcome disease and, hence, manifest the full expression of your true self.
Free Initial Consultation
Your initial consultation is free. Come meet us in person and learn more. SPECIAL NOTE FOR COVID: Initial 15 minute consults can be conducted by phone.
Professional Staff
With over 15 years clinical experience and over 30,000 treatments, we are Southern New Jersey’s premiere office for your well-being.
Two Locations
For your convenience, South Jersey Advanced Health clinics can be found in both Cape May and Cumberland Countries.
Our Specialties
Chinese Medicine is a complete medical system, which does not require Western validation. It is a time proven medical system that has the ability to help and heal every manifestation from cancer to the common cold; also gynecology to gerontology, Chinese Medicine employs the following modalities:

Acupuncture is proven to be one of the safest therapies on Earth, used by millions of people the world over on a daily basis. Sterile, single-use, disposable needles. No bleeding or pain. And, virtually no side-effects.

Dry Needling/Trigger Point
Dry needling and Trigger point acupuncture is an extremely effective adjunct to traditional acupuncture for pain relief. We also incorporate electro-acupuncture as well as motor point therapy in all of our ORTHOPEDIC BASED acupuncture treatments.

Womens Health/Natural Fertility
Our fertility enhancement program is designed to support your body’s innate intelligence and harmonize the delicate balance of your fertility cycle. We also offer natural ways to transition thru the changes menopause, be it hot flashes, night sweats or insomnia.

LYME & Tick-Born Illness
Proven effective solutions to remove the bacterium that lead to the life altering symptoms of Lyme, Rocky Mounted Spotted Fever, Ehrlichia, Babesia, Bartonella and Epstein Barr. Experience thius new method, and get your life back on track.

SAAT Allergy Elimination
Trained by Dr. Nadar Soliman the inventor of “SAAT” allergy elimination. This life changing technique can rid you of environmental, food or ANY allergy in as little as one month. Now effectively treating ALPHA-GAL, the red meat allergy from the bite of the lone star tick.

Vision Care
Trained by the leader of Acupuncture for Vision Care, Dr. Andy Rosenfarb in MA48. Micro Acupuncture 48 is a specific technique to optimize healthy ocular cells, wake up dormant cells and enliven your bodies own stem-cells to restore lost vision. Effective for macular degeneration (wet/dry), retinal pigmentosa, DRY EYE, stigmatism, and most eye related diseases.
Other Specialties
- Auricular Conditions
- Sleep Disorders
- Anxiety & Depression
- Adrenals & Thyroid Conditions
Your Health Starts Here
Flexible appointments with 2 locations.
Or call — 856-285-4788
Our mission is simple:
To lead you to a place where you live without pain.
Your Wellness is Our Mission
Contact us and make your commitment to yourself.